About Us (Legit Documents Pro International):

We established in 2016 is a worldwide business which has evolved over the years into a well-respected “Real Documents” company. We offer a full range of documents services, registration in the database, and travel route support while providing you access to a team of professionals empowered to assist you in maximizing the value of your new identity. 

Our customers based in all world regions and travel worldwide every day. Today, our continued success can be attributed to our unparalleled customer service and attention to detail, which has enabled us to build our client base with 100% satisfied customers. Regardless of which kind of documents or service you prefer we will work with you to select the service configuration that best meets your needs and expectations. 


Real ID:

The Real ID Act of 2005, enacted May 11, 2005, is an Act of Congress that modifies U.S. federal law pertaining to security, authentication, and issuance procedure standards for drivers’ licenses and identity documents, as well as various immigration issues pertaining to terrorism. The law sets forth requirements for state drivers’ licenses and ID cards to be accepted by the federal government for “official purposes”, as defined by the Secretary of the United States Department of Homeland Security. The Secretary of Homeland Security has defined “official purposes” as boarding commercially operated airline flights, and entering federal buildings and nuclear power plants, although the law gives the Secretary unlimited authority to require a “federal identification” for any other purposes.

Driver’s License: 

driver’s license is an official document, often plastic and the size of a credit card, permitting a specific individual to operate one or more types of motorized vehicles, such as a motorcycle, car, truck, or bus on a public road. Most American jurisdictions issue a driver license but some a driver’s license, which is conversationally American English; Canadian English uses both driver’s license as well as driver license (Maritimes), the Australian and New Zealand English equivalent is a driver license, in British English and in many Commonwealth of Nations countries and Ireland it is driving license. In most international agreements the wording driving permit is used, for instance in the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic. In this article, the American terminology and spelling are used generally but in country-specific sections, the local spelling variant is used. The laws relating to the licensing of drivers vary between jurisdictions. In some jurisdictions, a permit is issued after the recipient has passed a driving test, while in others, a person acquires their permit before beginning to drive. Different categories of permits often exist for different types of motor vehicles, particularly large trucks and passenger vehicles. The difficulty of the driving test varies considerably between jurisdictions, as do factors such as age and the required level of competence and practice.


passport is a travel document, usually issued by a country’s government to its citizens, that certifies the identity and nationality of its holder primarily for the purpose of international travel. Standard passports may contain information such as the holder’s name, place and date of birth, photograph, signature, and other relevant identifying information. The common passport format was defined in 1920 as a booklet of B7 size (125 × 88 mm or 4.921 × 3.465 in). Many countries have either begun issuing or plan to issue biometric passports that contain an embedded microchip, making them machine-readable and difficult to counterfeit. As of January 2019, there were over 150 jurisdictions issuing e-passports. Previously issued non-biometric machine-readable passports usually remain valid until their respective expiration dates. A passport holder is normally entitled to enter the country that issued the passport, though some people entitled to a passport may not be full citizens with the right of abode (e.g. American nationals or British nationals). A passport does not of itself create any rights in the country being visited or obligate the issuing country in any way, such as providing consular assistance. Some passports attest to the bearer having a status as a diplomat or other official, entitled to rights and privileges such as immunity from arrest or prosecution. Many countries normally allow entry to holders of passports of other countries, sometimes requiring a visa also to be obtained, but this is not an automatic right. Many other additional conditions, such as not being likely to become a public charge for financial or other reasons, and the holder not having been convicted of a crime, may apply. Where a country does not recognize another or is in dispute with it, it may prohibit the use of their passport for travel to that other country, or may prohibit entry to holders of that other country’s passports, and sometimes to others who have, for example, visited the other country. Some individuals are subject to sanctions that deny them entry into particular countries. Some countries and international organizations issue travel documents that are not standard passports, but enable the holder to travel internationally to countries that recognize the documents. For example, stateless persons are not normally issued a national passport but may be able to obtain a refugee travel document or the earlier “Nansen passport” which enables them to travel to countries that recognize the document, and sometimes to return to the issuing country. Passports may be requested in other circumstances to confirm identification such as checking into a hotel or when changing money to a local currency. Passports and other travel documents have an expiry date, after which it is no longer recognized, but it is recommended that a passport is valid for at least six months as many airlines deny boarding to passengers whose passport has a shorter expiry date, even if the destination country may not have such a requirement. 

Birth Certificate: 

birth certificate is a vital record that documents the birth of a person. The term “birth certificate” can refer to either the original document certifying the circumstances of the birth or to a certified copy of or representation of the ensuing registration of that birth. Depending on the jurisdiction, a record of birth might or might not contain verification of the event by such as a midwife or doctor. While some certificates do, this is not by any means the “usual” or “typical” content of the birth certificate, particularly those issued in the present time. As the article explains, the “long-form” birth certificate usually includes the above information, but “short forms”, which are far more common these days, do not. This is a superfluous amount of information for the opening paragraph of the article. Other sections of the article go into further detail on the actual particulars included on the birth certificate, but these can vary from state-to-state and country-to-country. Also, like mentioned above, most birth certificates issued today are “short forms” and do not include all of this information.

Green Card:

green card, known officially as a Permanent Resident Card, is a document issued to immigrants to the United States under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) as evidence that the bearer has been granted the privilege of residing permanently. Individuals with green cards are known as Lawful Permanent Residents (LPR) or green cardholders. There are an estimated 13.2 million green card holders of whom 8.9 million are eligible for citizenship of the United States. Approximately 65,000 of them serve in the U.S. Armed Forces. Green card holders are statutorily entitled to apply for U.S. citizenship after showing by a preponderance of the evidence that they, inter alia, have continuously resided in the United States for at least five years and are persons of good moral character. Those who are younger than 18 years old automatically derive U.S. citizenship if they have at least one U.S. citizen parent.

Resident Permit:

residence permit (less commonly residency permit) is a document or card required in some regions, allowing a foreign national to reside in a country for a fixed or indefinite length of time. These may be permits for temporary residency or permanent residency. The exact rules vary between regions. In some cases (e.g. the UK) a temporary residence permit is required to extend a stay past some threshold and can be an intermediate step to applying for permanent residency. Residency status may be granted for a number of reasons and the criteria for acceptance as a resident may change over time. In New Zealand, the current range of conditions includes being a skilled migrant, a retired parent of a New Zealand National, an investor, and a number of others.

Social Security Number(SSN):

In the United States, a Social Security number (SSN) is a nine-digit number issued to U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and temporary (working) residents under section 205(c)(2) of the Social Security Act, codified as 42 U.S.C. § 405. The number is issued to an individual by the Social Security Administration, an independent agency of the United States government. Although the original purpose for the number was for the Social Security Administration to track individuals, the Social Security number has become a de facto national identification number for taxation and other purposes. A Social Security number may be obtained by applying on Form SS-5, Application for a Social Security Number Card.

Naturalization Certificate:

A Certificate of Naturalization is a document to prove that the person named on the certificate has obtained U.S. citizenship through naturalization. Naturalization refers to the process in which a person not born in the United States voluntarily becomes a U.S. citizen. For foreign-born persons, naturalization is the most common way to become a U.S. citizen. This document is different than a Certificate of Citizenship.

The Certificate of Naturalization contains information identifying the person and confirming his or her U.S. citizenship through naturalization. Specifically, the certificate contains:

Certificate number (generally a red 6- to 8-digit alpha numeric number)
Date of issuance (date the holder became a U.S. citizen)
USCIS registration number (A-number)
U.S. citizen’s full name
Marital status
Place of residence
Country of former nationality
Signature of applicant; and
Other descriptors: sex, date of birth, and height
The document also includes a Department of Homeland Security seal as well as a statement and signature by the USCIS Director indicating that the applicant complied with all the eligibility requirements for naturalization under the laws of the United States.

Certified True Copy of Certificate
When a naturalized U.S. citizen needs to have a certificate “authenticated” by the U.S. State Department for use by foreign governments or embassies, USCIS can copy the document and certify it as a true copy. “Authentication” is a term used by the U.S. Department of State and other governments to describe what USCIS refers to as Certified True Copies. When you require USCIS to authenticate a naturalization certificate, be sure to use the term “Certified True Copy.” For more information on requesting a Certified True Copy, visit the USCIS website.


A visa (from the Latin charta visa, meaning “paper that has been seen”) is a conditional authorization granted by a polity to a foreigner that allows them to enter, remain within, or to leave its territory. Visas typically include limits on the duration of the foreigner’s stay, areas within the country they may enter, the dates they may enter, the number of permitted visits, or if the individual has the ability to work in the country in question. Visas are associated with the request for permission to enter a territory and thus are, in most countries, distinct from actual formal permission for an alien to enter and remain in the country. In each instance, a visa is subject to entry permission by an immigration official at the time of actual entry and can be revoked at any time. Visa evidence most commonly takes the form of a sticker endorsed in the applicant’s passport or other travel document but may also exist electronically. Some countries no longer issue physical visa evidence, instead recording details only in immigration databases.

Historically, immigration officials were empowered to permit or reject entry of visitors on arrival at the frontiers. If permitted entry, the official would issue a visa, when required, which would be a stamp in a passport. Today, travellers wishing to enter another country must often apply in advance for what is also called a visa, sometimes in person at a consular office, by post, or over the Internet. The modern visa may be a sticker or a stamp in the passport, an electronic record of the authorization, or a separate document which the applicant can print before entering and produce on entry to the visited polity. Some countries do not require visitors to apply for a visa in advance for short visits.

Death Certificate:

After an individual passes away, a death certificate will be issued by the government declaring the event. Obtaining copies of death certificates is a necessary but rarely discussed part of the Estate Management process. Loved ones will need certified copies of this document to begin managing financial and legal affairs on behalf of the deceased. It is important to understand where you will be required to provide this documentation, and how to request additional certificates. Keep reading to learn more about how and why death certificates are used:

What is a Death Certificate?

Why do you need a Death Certificate? 

Who provides the original Death Certificate? 

Who can obtain a Death Certificate? 

How long does it take to get a Death Certificate?

How to get a Death Certificate

What Is a Death Certificate?

A death certificate is an official document issued by the government stating the time, place, and cause of death of an individual. Death certificates serve as proof of an official death for legal purposes and are used to close the Estate of the deceased. They are also used by the government to track vital statistics on the population. 

The process of issuing death certificates in the United States dates back to the 1700’s, with initial records being kept by religious institutions and town clerks. Death certificates as we know them today appeared in the 1900’s and were formalized through the passage of the Public Health Service Act in 1944. This legislation allows the government to keep accurate records of births, deaths, pregnancies, marriage, and divorce rates in the U.S. 

U.S Passport Card:

A passport card is a simple identification card which looks a lot like a driver’s license. It is small and plastic, but can you can use it to travel within the continent of America. It is very convenient because:

it does not take much space;
it costs less to replace it if you lose it;
gives you easy access to travel within America;
it is a great solution for children or those without a driver’s license.
You can use the passport card to go to many different countries such as:

The Caribbean
If you travel to any of these countries, you can show your passport card and border authorities will let you in. Whether you travel to those countries by sea or land, they will accept your passport card. But if you are travelling anywhere else, then you must have a passport book.

The passport card is not valid for international travel so you will not be able to pass borders with it. Some authorities might let you leave the country with only a passport card. But you might have more difficulties returning and entering the US with it. To travel internationally, US citizens must have a passport book.

What is the difference between a passport book and passport card?
Many people wonder why they need a passport book if they already have a passport card. But there are differences in what you can do with one or the other. The passport card is only to make travelling within the North and South America easier. It is so people do not have to carry their actual passport books with them and risk losing them.

US Passport Book
The passport book though is the document that allows you to travel internationally. Even if you do not have a passport card, you can use the passport book. It gives you access to travel anywhere even within the US or the North/South America.

So the main difference between passport and passport card is where it allows you to travel. The passport card is optional, while the passport book is necessary for travelling. Also, any country accepts passport books while passport cards have a more limited use.

Marriage Certificate:

A marriage certificate (sometimes: marriage lines[citation needed]) is an official statement that two people are married. In most jurisdictions, a marriage certificate is issued by a government official only after the civil registration of the marriage.

In some jurisdictions, especially in the United States, a marriage certificate is the official record that two people have undertaken a marriage ceremony. This includes jurisdictions where marriage licenses do not exist. In other jurisdictions, a marriage license serves a dual purpose of granting permission for a marriage to take place and then endorsing the same document to record the fact that the marriage has been performed.

A marriage certificate may be required for a number of reasons. It may be required as evidence of change of a party’s name, on issues of legitimacy of a child, during divorce proceedings, or as part of a genealogical history, besides other purposes.

What Is a Marriage License?
A marriage license is a legal document obtained by a couple prior to marriage. Once the license is signed (during or after your ceremony) and returned by an officiant to the county, a marriage certificate is issued.

What’s the difference between a marriage license and a marriage certificate? A marriage license is what you get first, and it’s basically an application to be married. Once you have filled it out, had your ceremony, gotten it signed, and your officiant has turned it back into the county, then you receive a marriage certificate. “The marriage certificate is a certified copy the married couple will receive post-wedding, which proves they are officially married,” says D. Bruce Hanes, Esq., Montgomery County Register of Wills, Clerk of Orphans’ Court.

Driver’s License:

Divorce Decree vs. Divorce Certificate: What’s the Difference?

What Is a Divorce Decree?
A divorce decree is a court order that officially terminates your marriage. Some states refer to the decree as a “judgment of dissolution,” “JOD,” or “divorce judgment.” It lays out the court’s final orders regarding all the issues in your divorce—such as support, property division, and child custody—and both spouses are legally bound to its terms.

What’s Included in a Divorce Decree?
The content of your divorce decree depends on your case and the divorce-related issues you encountered during your divorce.

If you and your spouse participated in divorce mediation or otherwise settled your case, the court will incorporate your marital settlement agreement into the divorce decree. Some courts will write the terms of the settlement agreement directly into the decree, while others might attach the agreement to or reference it in the decree.

A divorce certificate is not the same as a divorce decree. A divorce certificate is an official document issued by the office that keeps track of vital records in your state (such as the health department or office of vital records). It contains basic identifying information for both spouses and the date and place of the finalized divorce.

The purpose of a divorce certificate is simply to provide proof of a divorce. A divorce certificate is usually a single page—significantly shorter than most divorce decrees. You can use the certificate to:

apply for a name change on important documents like driver’s licenses and passports
show proof of the divorce when needed (for example, to creditors), and
apply for a marriage certificate.
Not all states issue divorce certificates—to find out if your state offers divorce certificates, contact the state’s office of vital records. Most states that provide divorce certificates will require you to make your request for a copy in writing or online using a designated request form, and will charge a small fee for the service. Even if you’re able to make a request for your divorce certificate online, the office of vital records will mail you a copy rather than provide an electronic copy.

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